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Submitted by: Linda Fielder

Date: 5/10/2017

Activity: Sustainability Projects

Title: VP@C Learners Conclude Their Earth Day Celebration


VP@C Investigates Simple Changes for a Cleaner Planet


In celebration of Earth Day, VP@C Turning Point learners began a unit designed to create awareness of changes we can make as consumers to create a healthier living environment and healthier lives. Inspired by a field trip to the Coppell Nature Park and a series of learning experiences highlighting relevant environmental concerns, learners selected topics of interest and began investigations into the causes, effects and potential solutions for their topics.


Several weeks were spent researching and investigating and organizing information for presentations to fellow learners, school staff and a panel of CISD community members. The much anticipated day arrived and learners presented convincing arguments on changes we can make to lead healthier lives and create a healthier environment. The eventful day included presentation, demonstrations and infographic representations.


Topics included keeping microfibers out of our freshwater and marine ecosystems, simple homemade cleaners, herbicides and pesticides, sustainable food choices and the repurposing of typical throw away items. The top take-aways were simple recipes for a homemade dust spray as well as a pesticide and an herbicide.


Picture: VP@C learners from left to right, Kotone Yamamoto, Subhekshya Khanal, Andrew Muchai, demonstrating the simple steps taken to make an eco-friendly dust spray using oil, lemon juice and vinegar.

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