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Mona and Howard Logan with Jacob in his Senior year football picture.

Healing Heartbreak at the Jacob Logan Run

Written by: Sandy Williamson

 The city of Coppell has been dotted with blue Jacob Logan Run for 21 signs on corners, flyers in the homecoming parade, stickers at football games – all gearing up for the highly anticipated 5K Run & 1 Mile Fun Run to take place on Saturday, December 21.  The goal is to raise enough money to build Jacob’s LifeVision Home at Family Legacy’s Tree of Life Children’s Village in Zambia.  The journey from heartbreak, to Africa, to the race has helped the Logan family begin to heal.

 “In October 2012, we got the call that no parent ever wants to get. We learned that Jacob had been in a tragic accident and wouldn’t be coming home to us,“ said Jacob’s mother Mona Logan.  “That day our hearts shattered into a million pieces.”

            The community was hit hard by his loss.  For Coppell football fans it was both inspiring and heartbreaking to see Jacob’s sister Jordan Logan out on the field as she represented Jacob as a team captain at each Friday night football game.  Tears again on Senior Parent Night as the Logans accepted a framed, retired #21 jersey instead of a traditional rose from their son. Then the myriad of senior activities that had to be endured without their son – college selection, prom, senior night, graduation.  Through it all Logan family bravely stepped up to support their son’s friends and teammates even as they grieved.

            “Jacob's friends stayed close to the Logan family,” said classmate Seth Slover. “We always tried to love them through everything they've gone through, but it always seemed like they ended up being more of an encouragement to us than we were able to be to them.”

            Several months after Jacob’s passing, Jordan who had heard about Irving-based Family Legacy’s work in Africa started pushing her family to look into the program.  “I prayed that God would shut that door if it was not meant to be, but everything fell into place and before we knew it we were signed up to go,” said Mona Logan.  “We knew we would take our grief with us but we needed something different.  At that time I don’t think we felt called to serve but hindsight has shown me that through service to others you save yourself.”

             Although Logan had attended two different race events honoring children who had lost their lives, that was not on her mind when they went on their mission trip.  “Our goal was simple,” said Logan, “we wanted to honor Jacob by loving on orphans and every time they showed us joy, they gave us a little piece of our broken hearts back. “

             Upon their return, the seed was planted and the Logans realized that perhaps a race would be a great way to honor Jacob and raise money to build Jacob’s LifeVision Home in Zambia.  This will be a transitional home for high school aged boys preparing to leave the Tree of Life orphanage and move into the next stage of life – college or learning a trade. 

             “We thought it would be a beautiful way to honor Jacob - providing a home for orphan teenage boys.  These boys will know all about Jacob.  He will be a mentor to them,” said Logan.

             Jacob’s friends from the class of 2013 have been involved in the race from their respective universities by communicating through social media, sharing ideas and coming home to pass out Jacob Logan Run promotional materials.

 “I hope the community will be at the race to not only honor Jacob and pay respect to his family and friends, but also to run for a cause: the lives of teenage boys in Zambia, who are being equipped and aided as a result of Jacob's life and passing,” said Slover. “The optimism and excitement that the Logan family has created surrounding this event is indicative of the family's perspective and their hope for everything that's going to take place in Zambia as a result of this race.”  

 “I think December 21 will be a very fun day,” said Logan.  “I think we will feel a great sense of community with people coming together to remember Jacob and help get this house built.”

 To register for the race, donate to Family Legacy or sponsor the Jacob Logan Run for 21, visit the website at . 

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