The Brain Club
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The Brain Club offers exciting educational classes for adults and children, in two different locations: Coppell (Coppell Aquatic and Recreation Center) and Colleyville (Colleyville Senior Center). Our courses differ from others mainly because the courses are interesting, challenging and engaging. We work hard to ensure content is appropriate for the students’ age and match teaching methods with student’s “learning styles”. Courses are offered in following subjects: science, math, engineering, art language arts, foreign languages, computer programming and more.

Here is a brief description of two of our courses, Digital Art Creator and Visual Programming. In Digital Art Creator, children learn how digital art is used in movies, videogames, comics, magazines and more. They will also create their own digital art and final project for discussion and appreciation. In Visual Programming, students learn computer programming principles using intuitive iPad apps (iPads are provided in the class). Instead of using code, students learn to use logic and problem-solving skills by using method/command blocks to complete programming projects.

While we offer courses that are held on a monthly basis, we are also launching our new 6-month certification courses in June! The following courses will be certification courses: Digital Art, Story Master, Simple and Motorized Machines, and Incredible Robots.

We are also holding Summer camps (Summer Mania 2014) this upcoming summer – two camps will be held in Coppell.

For more information, please visit our website:

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