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The Cozby Library and Community Commons was renovated last year to now include a business center, a teen space, meeting rooms and many other additions.

While the Cozby Library and Community Commons already hosts a handful of resources, books and study spaces for teens, this summer, librarians have even introduced workshops where teens can gather relevant skills.


During an hour-long session on Friday’s, teens can practice sketching techniques, make healthy snacks and even learn CPR to maybe one day save a life.


Behind all these new opportunities designed for teens is librarian Sarah Silverthorne who has been a key part of organizing and planning these workshops.


Silverthorne has been a librarian at the Coppell Library for eight years and was motivated to take full advantage of the new renovated Cozby Library and Community Commons.


The new library now includes private study rooms, a teen center and two large meeting rooms where many of the workshops take place.


This past Friday, professional artists from Fort Worth-based Shonuff Studios were invited to teach participants how to sketch as part of a series of workshops specifically designed for teens.


“We had an artist come in and he kind of teaches the kids, shows them sketches and how to draw things and they can ask questions,” Silverthorne said. “We try to be very hands on so they get sketch paper and pencils and rulers so they can sketch along.”


The workshops have been successful, evident by the number of participants, averaging 20 per session.


“For the teen workshops, [the reception] has been really positive, they seem to like it and it's fun because it's not just sitting and listening to they get to participate,” Silverthorne said.


Silverthorne has also partnered with local organizations such as the Coppell Biodiversity Education Center, Natural Grocers and Living Well in Coppell to enhance workshops.


Her efforts are complemented by “The League of Extraordinary Teens” which is a select group of teens who suggested the themes and came up with ideas for the workshops.  


“We are definitely trying to utilize the new space and building and do more activities and get more people involved,” Silverthorne said.  


The library is located on 177 N. Heartz Rd and the workshops are free and for teens entering grades 6 through 12.


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