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On any given day you may read or hear about news stories involving workplace violence, abduction, home invasion, road rage, bullying, random acts of violence and murder. Too often in our technology-driven society, we take simple "awareness" for granted. But lack of that same simple awareness is exactly what criminals look for when targeting their victims. Robert Phillips will bring his expertise in how to better "spot trouble before trouble spots you!" during this 45-60 minute program.

Learn how the elements of instinct, education, training, experience, repetition and refreshers factor into the process of becoming more A.W.A.R.E. on Tuesday, April 14 at the Coppell Senior Center located at 345 W. Bethel Rd in Coppell. 

The program will run from 6:00 to 7:30p.m. and you can expect to learn the answers to: How do instinct, education, training, and experience factor in? What are the two KEY QUESTIONS you should always ask yourself? How do you empower others?

Robert is a proud member of the North Texas Crime Commission and a licensed instructor for He presents educational programs to private sector audiences, helping everyday people learn to identify, and therefore hopefully avoid, becoming victims of violent crime. Simply put, Robert will help you learn how to better "spot trouble before trouble spots you"!

Robert is also a Field Representative with Texas Law Shield, a legal services company that offers a comprehensive legal defense program for people who have to use a firearm in self-defense.

Light refreshments will be provided. Please RSVP the number of persons who plan to attend to



Robert Phillips brings his expertise in how to better "spot trouble before trouble spots you!" Tuesday, April 14, at the Coppell Senior Center, 345 W. Bethel Rd, Coppell.

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