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Nominate Coppell to Get a Grant for Nature ‘Play and Learn’ Area

Coppell is in the running for a $20,000 ‘Meet Me at the Park’ grant that would fund a play space designed to facilitate learning about nature. The Nature Explore design would provide a space for kids to play on a playground that utilizes natural elements like trees and water. It will be positioned just between the Biodiversity Education Center and the trailhead of the Coppell Nature Park, making hikes and more info on nature programs readily available to the families that will be adventuring there.

Nature Explore recognizes a need for today’s kids to break away from screens and reconnect to nature. They use research-based outdoor classroom features developed by teachers to engage kids through play. The stations typically include a nature art area and community stage as well as incorporating physical activities like climbing, building, and gardening. Coppell’s plans will provide sensory learning experiences such as outdoor art easels, a water manipulation station, and a music and movement area - offering a local opportunity for kids that learn different.

The natural play and learn area will be free and open to the public. It is likely to be utilized by the youth groups that visit the Biodiversity Education Center, but is intended to provide a unique and kid-friendly area for families to meet up and enjoy the outdoors.

Please support this community project by nominating Coppell daily through the month of April.  Here's how:

1. Coppell stakeholders can visit:
2. Register with your name and email address
3. Write in Coppell, Texas as the nominated city and click ‘Submit Votes’. It will not be one of the drop down selections.
4. Favorite the website and login to vote one time each day in April.
5. Get social! Share your experience on social media to spread the word and encourage others to vote. 

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