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Unlock the World of Digital Illustrations with Falak Art Studio & Shilpa Soneji Davda! 

Date: June 12 to 15
Age: 11+
Price: $135.00

Join our Poster Art - Digital Illustrations ONLINE Camp and become a digital artist in just 4 days! With NO prior digital skills or expensive equipment required, this workshop is designed to unleash your creativity using only your mobile device.

  • Discover digital tools for drawing and coloring people, dressing them in textured clothes, and styling them to match your aesthetic. Complete your masterpiece by adding a few words, and creating stunning posters that showcase your newfound digital skills.
  • Learn Digital illustration on your cell/mobile phones and iPads to create visual 3D artwork using free software and any online sourced stylus. 
  • Experience the joy of digital art anytime, anywhere, and with minimal resources. No need for expensive tablets, laptops, stylus, or software subscriptions. All you need is your creative mind!

Don't miss out on this exclusive opportunity! Register now for our Poster Art - Digital Illustrations ONLINE Camp presented by Falak Art Studio.

For more details and to secure your spot, REGISTER NOW! 

Unleash your artistic potential with the power of digital art!

+1 972 352 1279

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