Coppell Republican Women
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Freedom is Precious

Please join us on October 5 for the monthly meeting of the Coppell Republican Women. Our guest speaker will be Virginia Prodan, our Senate District 16 Committeewoman for the State Republican Executive Committee (SREC). Our meeting will be held at the W. T. Cozby Library, 177 N. Heartz Road in Coppell. We begin with social time and refreshments at 3 pm, followed by the meeting at 3:30 pm.

Virginia Prodan is a speaker, a writer, an attorney, and a single mother of three children. Exiled from Romania as an immigrant, she successfully rebuilt her life in the United States.

She has been a guest on Glenn Beck Program, Heritage Foundation, the Christian Science Monitor, the Fox and ABC affiliates, Dallas Morning News, WFAA TV Channel 8, KCBI–Dallas 90.9, KRLD-Dallas 1080, KDKR 91 Show, Family Net Radio, and has spoken to many clubs and groups in the Dallas area.

While living In Romania, she served as an attorney defending churches and individuals against the country’s religious and human rights persecution during the communist regime of Nicolae Ceausescu.

Virginia Prodan is an International Human Rights Attorney, an Allied Attorney with the Alliance Defending Freedom and a founder of Virginia Prodan Law Firm. Virginia’s compelling story and experiences are to be revered and to serve as an example.

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