Coppell Republican Women
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Kyleen Wright, President of Texans for Life Coalition (TLC) will speak at the Coppell Republican Women's meeting on Thursday, February 11. Kyleen has been a pro-life activist since 1975, when she first learned about abortion in high school. She has served in many roles in the pro-life movement, and has been the president of Texans for Life Coalition for 20 years. She and Texans for Life have been instrumental in the passage of numerous life-saving bills in Texas, most notably, the Sonogram law and HB 2. The House gavel from the sonogram debate and the Governor’s signing pen are on display in their office. Kyleen is a lifelong Republican, the mother of four exceptional men, an outstanding daughter-in-law, and more recently, she welcomed her first grandchild, the fierce and beautiful, Eleanor.
Join us at 6:30 pm for social time/registration with the meeting at 7:00 p.m. 
To RSVP for “In Person” or “Attend via Zoom” and receive the meeting location CLICK HERE
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