Coppell Republican Women

The Coppell Republican Women will hold its first evening meeting of 2020 at the William T. Cozby Library in Coppell on February 6, 2020, featuring guest speakers Edward Retta and Maria Garcia of the Hispanic Republican Club of North Texas (HRCNT). A social time will begin at 6:30 pm, followed by their regular meeting and speakers at 7:00 pm.

Last month, CNN profiled Border Hispanics for Trump – a pro-Trump group of Hispanics near El Paso, Texas. Their leader, Ray Baca, told CNN reporter Nick Valencia that President Trump is the one “who most closely represents my values,” despite Valencias repeated anti-Trump comments made during the interview. Republicans and Hispanics share many of the same values, such as being pro-family, pro-faith and pro-life.

Recognizing a need to encourage Latino political participation, Garcia founded the HRCNT, which provides education, monthly speaker presentations, and the camaraderie necessary to encourage Latinos to engage in public service. Born in Queretaro, Mexico, Maria migrated to the United States with her family when she was nine years old. Since moving to North Texas, she has been lauded as an outstanding volunteer, fundraiser, mentor and servant leader who has been successful in expanding the Hispanic presence in the Republican Party.

Edward Retta, Principal of Cross Culture Communications and Co-founder of Latino Cultural Center Dallas acts as Advisor to HRCNT. Retta has a lifetime of international experience, a bi- cultural childhood and a professional education to help people work with others from different cultures. First a graduate of Texas A&M University, he is also an Honors Graduate in Cross Cultural Ministry from Dallas Theological Seminary, with thesis research completed at Oxford University in England. He also completed the International Leadership School in Wales, UK. Retta has delivered cross cultural solutions in over 50 countries, and conducted training for leading global companies, for NASA and for the US Air Force, Air War College.

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