Coppell Republican Women
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The 5th Annual Wreaths Across America (WAA) in Coppell will be held in 2020, and this year’s celebration is scheduled for the Rolling Oaks Memorial Cemetery, at 400 Freeport Parkway, on Saturday, December 19, beginning at 11:00am sharp.  Wreaths Across America is a national program held at over 1000 sites and honors almost 1,000,000 service people who have given their lives in service to our country.

WAA is also committed to teaching younger generations about the value of their freedoms, and the importance of honoring those who sacrificed so much to protect those freedoms.  Their motto is REMEMBER, HONOR, and TEACH.

All citizens are welcome to attend the local ceremony and invited to help place wreaths that day.  The City of Coppell Honor Guard will be on-site to present the colors, Taps will be played, and the ceremony will follow the same format as has been used since our first local recognition in 2016.

The cemetery currently has 83 veterans buried on its grounds.  In past years, we have had such generosity of Coppell citizens to purchase wreaths for the site.  Any overages are automatically sent to Dallas National Cemetery, as they struggle to fill to capacity. This year, we are at a tremendous deficit of wreaths, and are looking for help in purchasing those.  We currently only have 25 wreath orders and we’d love any help in filling those additional 55 wreaths so that all our veterans are remembered.  Wreaths are $15 each.

There are 2 ways to purchase wreaths (and need to be ordered by November 30!):

Online, by going to  That is the Coppell group website, and the easiest way to donate.  The other way is by filling out an order form from the website and mailing a check to: Wreaths Across America, PO Box 249, Columbia Falls, ME, 04623.  

For further information on how you can help, please email  

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