Coppell Choir – Guest Contributor
Nov 7 2017
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Here ye! Here ye! Lords and Ladies, the King and Queen of the Coppell High School Madrigals Choir cordially invite you to a night filled with a feast fit for a king, music and merriment! Honored guests will enter the CHS Commons and travel back in time though medieval decor, colorful costumes and period music. The Madrigals singers’ production, "The Re-Gift of the Magi” promises to keep guests truly entertained. You will be presented with a bountiful buffet of plump roasted fowl or balsamic grilled vegetables for our vegetarian guests, rosemary roasted new potatoes, roasted jewel vegetables and a tempting dessert. It’s a meal fit for a King and Queen! There are two performances, Friday, December 8th and Saturday, December 9th with seating beginning at 6:30 p.m., and the Feast beginning at 7 p.m. The King has decided to limit each night to 200 guests so be sure to make your reservations early. Dinner tickets are $15 to $20 and may only be purchased online at There will be no tickets sold at the door and none after December 1st. Photo by Lupeny Photography

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