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Last Thursday evening members of Assistance League Coppell joined the DEA and CISD presenting a program to parents of Coppell students on signs to watch for drug usage. We are so proud to be a part of the continuing education of this issue in our community and work to with the CISD Resource Office and Coppell Police to be sure our Drug Testing Kits contain the correct test for the drugs of choice in our area. Eighteen parents requested Drug Testing Kits, not because they wanted to test their child(ren), but as a tool to give their child an out against peer pressure. Now child(ren) can decline drugs with the statement "My parents have a Drug Testing Kit at home and they aren't afraid to use it."

This is just one of the ways Assistance League Coppell serves our community. Four kits were given out to frantic parents in October through the website and picked up from a members porch. These testing kits cost approximately $30.00 but are free to Coppell residents through school counselors or the website 

Please support this and the other programs of Assistance League Coppell by attending the Kendra Scott Trunk Show tonight, November 2nd between 7 to 9 PM at the home of Angie Gabehart - 549 Leavalley Lane Coppell. Kendra Scott will give each attendee a 10% discount and 10% of sales will go to Assistance League Coppell to support programs such as Drug Testing Kits.