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"Taylor's Gift" was released Monday April 1st. The book is avaliable for order online or at Barnes and Noble.

By Shannon Wilkinson, BubbleLife Intern

In March 2010, 13-year-old Taylor Storch lost her life in a tragic skiing accident. Once in the hospital, her parents made the courageous decision to donate her organs. The Storch’s generous donation of Taylor’s organs saved five lives.

On Monday, April 1, Taylor’s parents, Todd and Tara, released their new book, Taylor’s Gift, in honor of their daughter. This book tells the courageous story of giving life and renewing hope.

“The idea to write the book was one that was presented to us in a beautiful way,” Taylor’s Gift founder Todd Storch said. “My good friend was encouraging me to write a book to share all the beautiful moments that were happening after we lost Taylor.”

The book opens with her accident in the moment when she was hurt. A series of text messages went around letting everyone in Coppell know she was injured. People began praying and hoping that everything would be okay with Taylor.

“I think the book is a great idea because it reminds the community of Coppell that even though Taylor is gone, her giving spirit lives on,” Coppell High School junior Hannah Clark said.

After the accident, the hospital came to Tara and Todd, telling them that Taylor would be a perfect organ donor. Taylor’s parents only had a few minutes to consider the option and figured it was what Taylor would have wanted.

“Mrs. Storch and I hope that when people close the book they will be inspired and know that no matter how horrible the circumstances they face, they can get through it with their faith,” Storch said.

Along with the book, the Storch’s have started a new campaign called, “Paint it Forward.” The well-known nail polish company OPI created a new trendy color, “Taylor Blue,” in her honor. The nail polish can be purchased on their website. The initial order of nail polish sold out almost immediately.

“The goal of our ‘Paint it Forward’ campaign is to have a positive and fun way for people in the United States and around the world to talk about organ donation,” Storch said. “In a few short days, we have shipped bottles of the OPI limited edition Taylor Blue all over the world.”

Even though Taylor’s story is a sad one, her memory lives on through her family and friends. Taylor is remembered through her website, Taylor’s Gift, and her parents’ goal to increase organ donation everywhere. 

“Taylor was and still is a caring person,” Clark said. “She was always putting others before herself and made the best out of tough situations. We all miss the bubbly personality that was around us everyday.”