Coppell BubbleLife -
Join Me in Supporting These Coppell Republican Precinct Chair Candidates

Early voting for the March 6 primary begins Tuesday, February 20, 2017. I encourage all to get out and vote. For those Coppell residents planning to vote in the Republican Primary, our community has 6 contested precinct chair races. Your ballots will only contain the race that corresponds with the Precinct in which you reside.
For each race, I have evaluated the candidates based upon their support for our community and public schools, their ability to faithfully and dutifully represent the people of Coppell with whom they would be entrusted to lead, and lastly, their personal and professional accomplishments.
I'm proud to recommend the following candidates for Republican Precinct Chair and ask that you consider them for your support as well. I have included a link to the candidate questionnaire for each race. Please get to know the person indicated for your precinct. Be an informed voter.
Precinct 2801: Michelle LaFountain
Precinct 2802: W Scott Wilson
Precinct 2804: Kim Griffin Mobley
Precinct 2805: Tracy Fisher
Precinct 2807: Christi Greene
Precinct 2809: Mary Lovell
David Caviness
Coppell, Texas

EDITOR'S NOTE: This post is reader-submitted content and does not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of or its staff.

Tuesday, 20 February 2018