Pam Takesh – Guest Contributor
Sep 6 2013
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Coppell Women's Club board member Pam Varnell introduces Stephen Fagin, Assistant Curator of The Sixth Floor Museum.

Members of the Coppell Women's Club gathered at the North Campus of North Lake College for the first meeting of their 40th season. A collection of baby items and clothes was taken to benefit Newborns in Need. The majority of the donations will be received by Parkland Health and Hospital System, which delivers over 15,000 babies each year, with approximately 85 percent of those being in need.

The next collection the group takes will benefit Treats for Troops. Featured will be snack and drink items, as well as travel-sized drug store items and paper goods.

The meeting room was filled on Wednesday, Sept. 4, as members listened to a presentation by Stephen Fagin, Assistant Curator of The Sixth Floor Museum. With Nov. 22 being the 50th anniversary observance of the JFK assassination, Fagin shared insights about the museum that stands to heal, teach about and commemorate the tragic event. He educated the audience on the controversy that surrounded this historical landmark, from the fight to prevent the building from being demolished to the thoughtful development of the now-existing museum.

Many Women's Club members who remember that tragic day could not help but feel emotional after the presentation. It was a difficult time for the City of Dallas; many residents felt shame and guilt after the shooting. One club member, being ten years old at the time, shared that it was the first time in her life she felt fear.

The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza, 411 Elm Street, Dallas, is one of Texas' most visited historical landmarks, second only to the Alamo. Fagin shared his long history with the museum and his opportunities to interview hundreds of individuals, ranging from Walter Cronkite to Lee Harvey Oswald's ninth grade science teacher. His book, "Assassination and Commemoration, JFK, Dallas, and the Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza," chronicles the creation of a memorial for one of America's worst tragedies. Signed copies of Stephen Fagin's book are available here.

The next gathering for the Coppell Women's Club will be their 40th Anniversary Luncheon on Wednesday, Oct. 2 at 11:30 a.m. at the Hilton Garden Inn, Lewisville. Past presidents will be honored. Prior members are invited to attend. Luncheon details, reservations and payments can be made by visiting the club website here.


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