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All are welcome to attend the free screening of “Spirits’ Homecoming” at First United Methodist Church in Coppell on Thursday, May 4 at 6 p.m. in the Ministry Center auditorium. The film, which is 2 hours and 7 minutes long, highlights WWII Comfort Women of Korea.

Jung-Lae Cho, the film’s writer and director, was moved to make “Spirits’ Homecoming” after seeing a victim’s painting that depicted Japanese soldiers taking young women to a pit of fire to kill them. This award-winning 2016 historical fiction film tells the story of two Korean sisters who were among the 200,000+ abducted women and young girls used as “Comfort Women” in China for Japanese soldiers in WWII.  More than 90% of the “Comfort Women” did not survive. 

Sinmin Pak, a Coppell resident, was inspired by “Spirits’ Homecoming” and volunteers to tour North Texas with the film to increase awareness of human trafficking. She also creates symbolic butterfly necklaces in memory of the victims. “We can foster a butterfly in our hearts and be the voices and faces for those victims,” said Pak.

Human trafficking is modern-day slavery and is rampant throughout the world today. It involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to exploit human beings for some type of labor or commercial sex purpose. The average age of a teen entering the sex trade in the U.S. is 12-14 years old. 

The program is sponsored by United Methodist Women. FUMC is located at 420 S. Heartz Road in Coppell. Find additional information at

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