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Fernando Cornejo, Garrett Freddo Photographer: Adrian Holguin

This past Saturday, the Coppell High School Cross Country team travelled to the Southlake Invitational at Bob Jones Park in Southlake.  The focus for this meet was the team motto “Nothing Just Happens”.  Hard work and devotion to training resulted in new personal records for several of the Coppell runners.

The Varsity Girls team took away a 20th place finish.  Sophomore, Sydney Rowe led the Coppell girls with a time of 20:23.10.  Junior, Dani Flores was close behind her with a personal best time of 20:27.39.  Other top Varsity finishers for Coppell were Kaitlin Reznicek (20:35.55), Sarah Mobley, and Jimena Benavides.

The Varsity Boys team took 24th place in a field of 40+ teams.  Junior, Fernando Cornejo was the first Coppell runner to finish with a time of 17:08.9.  Top five varsity finishers for Coppell were Garrett Freddo (17:12.17), Quinn Proctor (17:14.65), Evan Caswell, and Drew Scrivner. 

The JV Girls secured a 10th place team finish.  Freshman, Reezon Eke was the top JV Coppell finisher with a personal best time of 21:59:99.  Savannah Guitierrez (22:26.19), Liana Karkabi (22:48.31), June Poopnead, and Mia Bohn were all top five JV finishers for Coppell in a division with 375+ runners.

The JV Boys brought back a 12th place team finish.  Freshman, Ethan Connell led the JV boys with a time of 18:03.35.  Top five finishing teammates were William Heatherington (18:21.89), Rith Bhattacharyya (18:25.87), Ishraj Bhandari, and Jonathan Le.  The JV boys division was made up of 500+ runners.

Next on the schedule for Coppell is the Gerald Richey Invitational at Lynn Creek Park in Grand Prairie on Saturday, Sept. 16 at 7:00 am.  Come out and cheer on your Coppell Cross Country team.

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