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The Coppell City Council will be hosting a regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Council Chambers at Town Center, which is located at 255 Parkway Blvd.

Here are several of the items on the meeting's agenda:

  • "Consider approval of a Resolution suspending the proposed rate change of Atmos Energy Corp., Mid-Tex Division, providing that the rates of said company shall remain unchanged during the period of suspension, providing for notice hereof to said company and authorizing the Mayor to sign."
  • "Consider approval to purchase fifteen (15) Brazos Technology ticket writers in the amount of $86,903 to be purchased from the Court Technology Fund (50%) and the Police department capital funds (50% - as budgeted for in the FY 11/12 budget); and authorizing the City Manager to sign."
  • "Consider approval of a Resolution calling for the General Municipal Election for Councilmembers Place 2, 4, 6 and Mayor for Saturday, May 12, 2012; and to call a Special Election on May 12, 2012, to fill an unexpected term for Councilmember Places 3 7; authorize the Mayor to sign; and, authorize the City Manager to execute a Joint Election Agreement with Dallas County for conducting said Municipal Elections."

Click here to access the complete agenda and find out more information about the meeting.

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