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For over 20 years, the children of Coppell have entertained themselves by crawling, climbing and scampering across Kid Country 1992 at Andy Brown Park. However, after that much time and wear and tear, the structure is beginning to show critical signs of deterioration. Thus, the City of Coppell will permanently close Kid Country on Friday, July 27 and will demolish it shortly afterwards.

However, children and families do not need to fear. Sometime in October, the city will reopen the playground after reconstructing the play structures; this reconstruction project has been dubbed Kid Country 2012. The reconstruction of Kid Country 2012 - the city's largest playground complex - is being overseen by the Coppell Parks and Recreation Board.

The city is seeking funds to help pay for Kid Country 2012, as well as volunteers to help out on Build Day, which will be the first weekend in October. Fundraising is still active and there is a critical shortage of volunteers and construction equipment.

This undertaking is a community-driven effort mirroring the efforts in 1992 when a reported 7,000 volunteers helped to raise funds and building the existing Kid Country. To learn more about this reconstruction plan, visit the Kid Country 2012 website.

Photo courtesy of Coppell Student Media

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