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Two workshops will be hosted next month that will teach Coppell residents how to turn their properties into "sustainable, food producing and eco-friendly" habitats.

Urban Sustainable Ecosystem workshops will be hosted by the Coppell Community Garden for eco-friendly homeowners and gardeners of all skill levels on Feb. 25 and 26 at the Town Center.

The first workshop, which is on Feb. 25, is for beginning to advanced gardeners and will address a variety of topics, including composting, raised bed gardening, how to preserve your harvest and rainwater harvesting. A variety of gardening experts will lead the workshop such DFW organic radio program host John Drause.

The second workshop, which is on Feb. 26, is geared toward advanced gardeners, but beginners are still invited to attend, and it will cover vermicomposting, integrated pest management, aquaponics and more.

Registration is required to attend the workshops. The Feb. 25 class is from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and costs $75, and the Feb. 26 class is from noon to 5 p.m. and costs $50, but registration only costs $100 if you sign up for both days.

So, if you have a green thumb or just enjoy gardening as hobby and would like to learn more about turning your property into an Urban Sustainable Ecosystem, these are two workshops that you will not want to miss. Click here to find out more information about the workshops.