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Lynne Hodes, Volunteer Manager and Becca Liles, Program Associate of Project Transformation accepted over 300 books from Kay Adams and Bobbie King of Assistance League Coppell as part of Make A Difference Day. Project Transformation provides hands-on service experience for young children and young adults in some of the poorest neighborhoods of the Dallas area. The literacy program has always been a cornerstone of their program and has resulted in significant improvements in the reading ability of their students. Annually, Project Transformation serves over 1,000 children and youth grades 1-12 at 12 summer camps and 7 after school sites. During their 2015 program they had over 1,700 community volunteers serve over 11,500 hours reading one-on-one with children. Assistance League Coppell is proud of the residents of Coppell in helping us make this donation to such a great program. #WeChangeLives  #AssistanceLeagueCoppell Visit our website to learn more about how you can continue to give back.

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