
VP@C Learners Present Solutions to Environmental Concerns

Presenting Solutions to Environmental Concerns

Victory Place @ Coppell Turning Point learners participated in a series of learning experiences designed to create an awareness of the simple choices that we, as good citizens, can make to create a more sustainable future. Inspired by research, learner selected motivational videos and a field trip to the Coppell Nature Park, learners spent several weeks investigating their areas of interest and preparing presentations designed to convince a panel of judges, staff and fellow learners to implement changes in the choices they make, not only to create a healthier environment, but also to promote our own health.

Topics chosen by learners included marine and freshwater pollution, food waste, food choice, renewable energy, eco-friendly products and deforestation. The top take-away was a simple recipe for a homemade disinfectant using only hot water, borax and thyme. Panel members, staff and learners will all be a little healthier as we make choices with our learner’s sustainability take-aways in mind.

Picture: VP@C learner, Madison Anderson and Amanda Bouressa demonstrating the simple steps taken to make our eco-friendly disinfectant.

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