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Far left back row: Ashwin Parameswaran, Front Row Left to right: Gedeon Bring, Moid Meghani, Sudhip Nashi, Calliope Bring, Shikkha Mehta, Aarish Bhojani

North Hills Preparatory students, Ashwin Parameswaran, Gedeon Bring, Moid Meghani, Sudhip Nashi, Calliope Bring, Shikkha Mehta and Aarish Bhojani, participated in Odyssey of the Mind in Houston on April 12. The team placed third at the state competition.

Odyssey of the Mind is a NASA sponsored educational program that provides creative problem solving opportunities for students from kindergarten through college.Team members apply their creativity to solve problems that range from building mechanical devices to presenting their own interpretation of literary classics. The team competed against schools across the state of Texas, including Carroll ISD, where the Regional Competition was held in March.

Although this was the first time North Hills participated in Odyssey of the Mind, two of the three teams advanced the Regional Competition in March. One team placed third at the State competition, barely missing the opportunity to advance to the World Finals at Iowa State University in May. The first and second place winners at the State competition will travel to Iowa next month.