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For 30 years, Lions Clubs around the world have been sponsoring the Lions International Peace Poster Contest in schools and youth groups. This contest encourages students age 11,12 or 13 around the world to express their visions of peace.

The theme of the 2016-2017 contest is “A Celebration of Peace.” Each poster is judged on originality, artistic merit and expression of the theme.

 There are several judging levels: local club, district, multi-district, and international. At the international level, the judges select one Grand Prize Winner and 23 merit award winners. The Grand Prize Winner receives an award of $5000 and a trip to a special awards ceremony. Each of the 23 merit award winners receive a cash award of $500 and a certificate of achievement.

Raima Hossain from CMSW won the Coppell city contest receiving $100, and the District Contest winning $250, and the State Level Contest winning $500. Her Art Teacher, Gail Cary, was thrilled to be present for Raima’s District and State Winner presentations. 

In the city level contest, Ashley Kim from CMSN won 2nd place receiving $75 and Amber Li from CMSN placed 3rd receiving $50. 

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