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Midsummer produce is in peak production, the perfect time to buy quantity for preserving and canning. Place an order ahead with a farmer or ask if they have a large quantity with them on a given day. To find information on how to preserve for the offseason, search “canning” or “freezing” on our website.

Cantaloupe and watermelon varieties continue. Soft fruits are just about done for this year in North Texas. Customers are lucky if they find any of these this week. Tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and squash abound.

Eggplant, green beans, beets, okra, and shelled peas might be located at some farmer booths. Salad greens are less plentiful but can be found early. A few farmers have managed to keep kale, Swiss chard, and some hot weather spinach going.

Other non-produce items include pastured beef, lamb, pork, and chicken raised on a natural diet. Free range eggs, Artisan cheeses, butter, Gulf seafood, honey, a large variety of small batch prepared foods, breads, pasta, snacks, pies, cookies, mixes, tea and coffee, tamales, soaps and lotions are also available.

Hatch chilies from New Mexico are sold elsewhere in the area and several vendors are using this unique spicy flavor in seasonal product offerings like Hatch chocolate chip cookies, Hatch chili nibbles, Hatch chili granola, Hatch berry lemonade, and Hatch beer soup.

Buying too much to carry easily? Find the free Veggie Valet service on both the east and west sides of the market to keep your purchases while you pull your car up close for loading. A National Honor Society teen is there to help you out.

As usual, please note that we are a local, seasonal farmers market; meaning that our farmers bring only what is ripening in their fields each week and some produce is short lived due to a short growing season. Eating with the seasons takes education, awareness and patience! For a chart of what’s in season now, click here. Our farmers use various growing methods. Some produce is organic (not certified), some is sustainable, and some is grown conventionally. Just ask the farmers.

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