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The Coppell Farmers Market is proud to announce that it has launched an entirely redesigned, state-of-the-art website and invites you to check it out.  The new site is straightforward and easy to navigate and features the following:

  • Visuals - lots and lots of pictures
  • Informative - articles that explain farming challenges, how the farmers market is run, value-added products, produce details, etc., for both newbies and experienced shoppers alike
  • Vendor pages - everyone is listed, explained, pictured and categorized
  • Newsy - events, products and news pertaining to the farmers market are shared
  • Repository for Recipes - an ongoing project to reflect foods of the season
  • Searchable - give it a go
  • So much more - have fun browsing!

Built by website development company THIRDinteractive, the Coppell Farmers Market committee members reviewed other farmers market sites and scrutinized our old site to choose goals and features desired on the new one. THIRDinteractive put it all together in a visually pleasing, very functional and fun site. Committee member Marca Hiller led and coordinated the whole effort. 

Go to Facebook or Twitter and tell us what you think!

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