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Your Chamber in Your Pocket

By: Neha Purandare

In today’s age of gadgets and gizmos, the Chamber is always looking to innovate and update according to 21st century trends. For that reason we have recently introduced and launched our very own Chamber mobile app. This app allows many customers to be, literally, a fingertip away from any and all Coppell Chamber members. This mobile app can be downloaded for free on any Apple and/or Android device(s).

To download this app simply type in “My Chamber App” in any iTunes store or Google Play store. The Chamber app consists of a mobile directory equipped with location based technology, information on all of the businesses registered, and any discounts or deals being offered.

For businesses it’s a great way to gain exposure from anywhere; whether it be on the go, at home or at work. Each business gets their name on the app along with a description of their store, prices, and more. If you are looking for a retail store then there is also a spot for pictures. Whether you are a tech savvy go-getter or new to the technology world, this app is user friendly and easy to handle.

It is also a great way for customers to stay connected with all things happening; such as events, tastings, sales and more offered by these member businesses. When opened the app prompts a screen displaying various categories, such as shopping, dining, financial, transportation etc., in which you can chose from. This allows for anyone and everyone to gain a more directed and focused search to make “surfing” a lot more easy and efficient.

Along with these categories by function the app also provides a “What’s Hot” tab in which the Chamber lists the trending businesses around Coppell. This section is a great way for users to get a one-stop click to see what’s at the top of the charts.

This app can also be tweaked to fit more personal wants and needs. For example if one see a particular store that you like you can add that store to “Favorites” for later access. Once that store has been added to your favorites list you can access that store’s website link, address, directions, and information all under the “Favorites” tab. This process can be repeated for several stores creating a personal collection of favorite centers, businesses and more!

This great addition is not only a great benefit for Coppell Chamber businesses but for residents as well. With better access, clearer information and directed searches this app is sure to be a great hit.

So say hello to our new Chamber app and goodbye to tedious web searches!

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