Coppell BubbleLife -
The Coppell Chamber announces its Building Campaign for a new Chamber Office!

The Coppell Chamber of Commerce announces its Building Campaign for the purchase of a building located at 708 Main Street. As the Chamber celebrates its 25th year, we have decided that now is the time to plant our roots in Old Town/Main Street Coppell with the purchase of a business cottage that will serve as our Chamber office.  Here’s how you can get involved.

“The Chamber is gathering our community of supporters and commissioning a “Legacy Wall” for the new building to honor those businesses and individuals that invest $1,000 or more in the Building Campaign. I hope you will join me as a “Legacy Partner.”  Your support will help ensure the continued work of the Coppell Chamber of Commerce – a meaningful Legacy Gift of a lifetime for our community,” stated Kristi Valentine, President & CEO of the Coppell Chamber.

The Chamber has already begun raising funds towards reaching the goal of $100,000. Completion of the building and the move into the new office is expected to take place by December 31,2015, and will allow the Chamber to continue to serve the business community in and around Coppell with a presence in Old Town.

The Chamber’s Building Campaign is being led by Ricardo Roberto, owner of RA Financial.  Mr. Roberto can be reached at (972) 471-9755 or by email at .  Please contact the Chamber at (972) 393-2829 or by email at if you wish to donate. The Chamber prefers to receive all Building Campaign funds during the 2015 calendar year.

Thank you for your consideration and continued support of the Coppell Chamber of Commerce.


For more information on this story or any media opportunities, call the Coppell Chamber of Commerce at (972) 393-2829 or email


The Coppell Chamber of Commerce is a 501(c) 6 non-profit organization. Its mission is to promote, enhance the business environment, and quality of life in our community. For more information please visit or call the office at 972-393-2829.

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Monday, 28 September 2015