Starts 02/26/2024 19:00 (Monday)
Ends 02/26/2024 20:45 (Monday) Central Standard Time
Duration 1h, 45m
Repeats Recur every 1 day(s) for a maximum of 2 occurrences. Instances cannot occur on a defined holiday.
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Audition Notice
Based on the book by E.B. White; adapted by Joseph Robinette
Director: Janis Arthur
Assistant Director: Peggy Rosson
The Children's Literature Association named this "the best American children's book of the past two hundred years." All the enchanting characters are here: Wilbur, the irresistible young pig; Fern, a girl who understands what animals say to each other; Templeton, the gluttonous rat; the Zuckerman family; the Arables; and, most of all, the extraordinary spider, Charlotte, who proves to be a true friend and a good writer. Determined to save Wilbur, Charlotte begins her campaign with the "miracle" of her web in which she writes, "Some pig." It's the beginning of a victorious campaign which ultimately ends with the now-safe Wilbur doing what is most important to Charlotte. This is a beautiful, knowing play about friendship that provides an evening of enchantment.
Audition Dates
Monday, February 26th, 2024 @ 7:00 PM - 8:45 PM
Tuesday, February 27th, 2024 @ 7:00 PM - 8:45 PM
Audition Details
Send an email to if you have any questions regarding the audition.
All roles are available. Theatre Coppell seeks diverse performers, including but not limited to, ethnicity, race, color, country of origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, body size, marital status, adults of all ages, religion, beliefs, political affiliations, socioeconomic status, experiences, and any form of disability.