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Staff members of The Sidekick work on managing and selling items at their garage sale on Saturday. Photo courtesy of The Sidekick's twitter account, @CHSCampusNews.

By Sloane Samberson, BubbleLife Intern

Last Saturday Coppell High School's newspaper staff, The Sidekick, held a garage sale at Coppell Middle School East. Staff came in with a goal of raising $1000 to put towards printing funds for their publication.

“March 2013 The Sidekick partnered with Taylor’s Gift by conducting a Fun Run in Taylor’s honor. We wanted to incorporate a community service that students were associated with. Many of the students knew Taylor and were friends with her,” The Sidekick instructor, Chase Wofford said.

The staff ended up raising over $1100, purely from selling cheaply priced, quality items that were provided from the families of the staff.

“We did a lot to promote the garage sale this year. We put an add on Craigslist, in The Citizens Advocate, Dallas Morning News and Neighborsgo. I think that is why it was so successful,” Editor-in-Chief, Kristen Shepard said. “Even as a senior I am proud for The Sidekick to continue to have the funds to grow and improve.”

All staff was required to show up and help from 7 a.m. (although the sale did not start until 8 a.m.) until 12 p.m.

"The garage sale was such a great bonding experience. Although it was a long six hours, I had nothing but fun working with fellow staffers. It was nice coming together as a whole. It rarely ever happens because we are separated into two class periods," Entertainment Editor, Stephanie Alexander said.

Once the sale ended and leftover items were boxed up, all items were loaded onto a moving truck to be taken to the American Kidney Fund.

“Having a garage sale is always a great form of fundraising. I have not thought about what The Sidekick will be holding next year to fund for printing,” Wofford said. “I do not like asking my students to sell raffles because that takes weeks and we are all so busy. Whatever we do, I hope that it will be as successful as the past two years.”

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