Pin on Pinterest

By Sloane Samberson 
BubbleLife Intern

As I was scrolling down my Pinterest feed, gawking at sugar-coma inducing images of cookies, brownies and cakes, I came across one particular recipe that stopped me in my tracks: White Chocolate Brownies.

I thought, "A white chocolate brownie? This can't be real," and low and behold it was.

This gooey, white chocolate brownie is topped with a thick layer of white chocolate icing. It is the ultimate dessert for white chocolate lovers, also known as, myself.

The only problem I encountered while baking these beauties was not cooking the brownie batter long enough to where it was not overwhelmingly gooey. The top started to brown before the insides were done.

I would consider baking them at a lower temperature, and for a longer time, giving the middle of the brownie batter the chance to catch up with the doneness of the outer brownie.

I also tripled the icing recipe because one layer was not enough for my 9x11 ceramic pan (I also do love icing).

Overall, Today's Mama created a sinful recipe that takes your mouth on a trip to Heaven. Contradicting right?

Link to recipe here.

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