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Cover of Jostens Look Book.

Sloane Samberson

BubbleLife Intern 

Congratulations to Coppell High School's yearbook staff for winning their entry which will be now featured in the Jostens Look Book.

The Roundup yearbook won a spot out of the 426 yearbooks selected from over 3,000 entries showcased by Jostens. Jostens Look Book is a nationally recognized collection of the best yearbooks from all over the nation.

"When we found out three weeks ago, we were thrilled. We won for last years spread over Coppell High School's newspaper, The Sidekick," yearbook teacher Sallyanne Harris said.

The yearbook staff spends up to 16 hours a week editing and perfecting the yearbook. They work from the beginning of the year until finished. A good 385 hours has been put into making the yearbook meet its award winning standards.

"It was really exciting hearing that we had won because I got to help in the creation of the 2012-2013 yearbook, Co Editor-in-Chief Emma Eells said.

The yearbook staff was overjoyed to have completed the 2013-2014 yearbook last Friday, March 7. All staffers would agree that the wait for seeing the final product is so anticipating but worth it.

"This is my first year being on the staff so I wasn't apart of making the 2012-2013 book. I hope that my work along with other staffers work will make it into the Look Book next year since it is such a high honor," Sports Staff member Kylie Pickerel said.

The date for book distribution is yet to be announced but will be expressed as soon as books are ready for students and teachers.

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