AkilaM BubbleLife Intern
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School Supplies.JPG At the Metrocrest Back to School Extravaganza, a variety of school supplies are packaged into bags to be handed out throughout the days. Multiple volunteers must take on shifts to make this day possible.

For middle and high school students, summer is an excellent opportunity to dedicate time towards volunteering. Volunteering fulfills national honor society requirements,  helps a student find what they love and is a great chance to give back to one’s community. Here are a list of 20 general volunteering ideas; any specific organizations that are referenced are located in the DFW area.  

  1. Local Library: Check with your nearest library to determine if they have a teen group that meets to plan library events, especially youth activities. Even if not, libraries host a variety of summer programs that usually require intermittent volunteering. Other library jobs can include sorting, shelving or checking out books.
  2. Pet Shelters If you enjoy working with animals, consider working with Lost Paws of Texas or a similar organization to manage shelters, play with animals or help at adoption events around the community.
  3. Senior Home: Volunteer at a senior home by spending time with older residents, even if it’s just to talk. If you get creative, organize a group of friends to make homemade (approved) snacks or gather a musical troupe to entertain (sing, dance, act, etc…).
  4. Red Cross Volunteer: Assist as a Blood Donor Ambassador at blood drives near you or organize your own. After some experience, you could be ready to train others or hold an officer position in your local chapter!
  5. Teaching/Tutor: Passionate about a certain subject in school, play a musical instrument at a high level or tech savvy? Consider passing your skills on to other students. Technology skills are especially useful for senior citizens.
  6. Hospital Volunteer: Hospitals usually allow teens to volunteer in select programs. Job duties may include interacting with patients or managing clerical duties.
  7. Community Garden: Spend a day at your community garden helping by planting new flowers/trees or pulling weeds and caring for the ones already planted. If you enjoy it enough, you can look into getting your own plot of land to grow some fresh fruits and vegetables.
  8. Trash Pickup: Adopt a local highway or drive to your nearest park and make the area litter free! Gather a group of volunteers to fundraise/split costs for trash pickup equipment such as large bags or a trash picker stick, also remember to stay safe!
  9. Soup Kitchen: Volunteering is all about providing necessities to those who don’t have it; a great choice to give to those with less is by visiting a soup kitchen or homeless shelter. For those who want to make the extra commitment, organize an additional drive to collect the items to be distributed.
  10. Farmers Market Ask a vendor to help manage their booth/attract more customers or serve as a general guide for newcomers. Extra hands are always appreciated to help pack and unpack items!
  11. Habitat for Humanity: If you are in good physical condition, considering building homes for those who may have lost them in a recent disaster. A lot of logistics are already worked out if you attend with a well known group such as Habitat for Humanity.
  12. Lifeguard: What better way to fend of the summer heat than to work near a pool all summer? If you are a qualified swimmer, consider volunteering as a lifeguard at your nearest recreation center or water park. Just don’t forget your sunscreen!
  13. Use your vocabulary skills on This is an unique opportunity - you can sit in front of a laptop and do good for the world! For every answer you get correct on this website, 10 grains of rice will be donated through World Food Programme.
  14. Social Media Coverage: Ask a local business or nonprofit if they would like social media accounts on Snapchat, Instagram or Twitter to reach Generation Z youth. If they already have accounts, ask to manage them briefly, you can help them gain new followers and spread the word further.
  15. Metrocrest Services: As the school year approaches, it’s time to start thinking about school supplies and necessary vaccinations. Instead of only considering these items in the context of yourself, look out for other children by helping Metrocrest package school supplies and hold a Back to School Extravaganza for other items.
  16. Crisis Line: If you have always had the tact to speak calmly to an aggravated friend and enjoy being a good listener, consider volunteering as a counselor for a teen crisis line.
  17. Babysit: Watch a younger sibling or ask your parents friends to watch their kids for sometime before venturing to new homes. Once you are comfortable with kids’ activities and food, expand your prospects.
  18. Get Creative: Organize a bake sale or garage sale to fundraise. Plan a canned food or clothing drive to collect items for the needy. Write cards to soldiers fighting overseas. Maybe your top picks won’t always count as official hours, but find something you love to do that also helps others.
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